Unconditional Acceptance & Connection (2022 Review)

My random thoughts from 2022.

Growth isn't always linear. As I notice my frustration about the way I spend my time (falling off on regular self care like yoga and weightlifting, too much time trying to stay "caught up" on Facebook, letting household chores slide), I recognize how important it is for me to unconditionally accept and love myself exactly as I am. To know that this is just a dip and I will continue to learn and grow.

In May I had been working too many long days and was overall not taking good care of myself. Then I got COVID. I was the sickest I've been in a decade and it was awful. I'm grateful for the ability to work from home because the second and third week I could only work partial days before becoming exhausted. Being that sick made me even more cautious about indoor contact with people without masks. I definitely don't want to get that sick again.

I'm now in a really frustrating position - the most important thing I re-learned this year is the importance of connection, but I don't feel comfortable hanging out unmasked indoors. Most people I know have abandoned caution and so many viruses are circulating right now. I know I can't live in a bubble forever and I've tried so hard to loosen up my precautions, but I just can't. It is so isolating, especially in the winter.

One thing that still surprises me is how little has changed in the United States after the pandemic. I would think after realizing how masks can reduce the risk of transmitting respiratory viruses that more people would choose to wear them if they are feeling sick - or choose to stay home if they can. Instead it seems like people are coughing and sneezing all over everything without a care for how it impacts others. I think the best thing I can do is take good care of myself and keep my immune system intact. I really want to hang out with friends indoors again, and I hope I will be ready soon.

I love to travel and this year I did more than usual. Nature is so healing. I was really excited to give Jubie a workout, and I also joined TrustedHousesitters which gives you unlimited pet sitting gigs (free lodging for you, free pet sitting for the pet parents) for an annual fee. At the beginning of the year I constantly applied to warm weather locations until I was finally able to book one in Austin, TX. When you don't have any reviews people are less likely to choose you as a sitter. I had kept an eye on Florida and when a Miami Beach sit popped up I had to apply! I was surprised to be chosen.

Mike and I took an incredible road trip out to Tennessee and North Carolina, I visited Minnesota twice, I met my parents at Porcupine Mountain State Park in Michigan on Lake Superior, and I spent two weeks near Jacksonville, Florida. I never posted photos from TX, NC, or MI but I really do want to share some eventually. We also had a few shorter weekend camping trips.

As important as travel is to me, one big thing that I learned is it's important to leave myself enough space to spend time at home and stay caught up on everyday life.

After having everything out of our office for several months (yay for no more desks in the living room!), we got a new roof and had the ceiling replaced. When that was finally done, Mike painted the office magenta and light gray and my friend Ben helped me install a new ceiling fan. We love it! It feels like a completely different room. In September, I stumbled upon an opportunity to buy a gently used fridge and stove. I knew I needed to replace both in the near future and even though I wasn't really prepared to spend that money, it was a deal I couldn't pass up!

I already had my trip to Florida planned when I had some unexpected expenses pop up - big vet bills and dental bills. I almost got sick when I saw the estimate to get Psycho Kitty's teeth cleaned - but she really needs it. I'm going to need to lay low until tax refund time when I can hopefully get caught up.

I listened to several audiobooks this year, but a few made a big impact: The Myth of Normal by Dr. Gabor Mate, The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck, Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-pa Turner, and The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama. There seemed to be a common thread about the importance of authenticity, living in alignment with your values, and listening to your body. If you have any book recommendations that you think I'd like please let me know!
This past year was full of blessings and challenges. As I look forward to 2023 I hope to focus on unconditional acceptance, connection, and self-care.


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Listen to the Nudges (2021 Review)